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 Home >> What to Eat >> Japanese food >> Udong, Ramen (Noodles)
Traditional Japanese noodles There is a lot differeces between Korean noodles and Japanese noodles, this restaurant serves traditional Japanese nood...
Specialty Japanese restaurant that uses only imported products from Japan. Kisoya Japanese table is famous in this restaurant. It is cooked with mu...
Hakata Udon
The owner lived in Fukuoka for 13 years to learn how to make Udon. The Restaurant has a Japanese style of decor. ...
Our restaurant uses only natural products. Our main ingredients are imported from Japan, so the taste is authentic. Our buckwheat noodles (Soba) ar...

The owner of this restaurnat learned to make Udon in Japan. Udon here is reccomended. Udon soups are imported from Japan and our noodles are hand...
Kwanseook (Kansaiya)
The chefs here are very proud of their unique recipe for Japanese Udon. It was a mother and daughter team who lived in Japan and learned how to make ...
Maido is a huge Japanese restaurant. A lot of famous Korean actors and actresses take breaks here. The meals are not expensive, with costs adding up t...
This restaurant is very clean and you can trust our dishes. The kitchen is on view, so you can watch your meal being prepared. Weather permitting you ...
Dongkyeongam uses only high quality products. This restaurant has recieved much acclaim. The highlight is Udon's chilled soup with crab, shellfishan a...

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